Purpose of this article:
After spending a lot of time searching online on how to embed tableau dashboard into my blog, I figure it would save people who want to do the same thing as me some time if I post my finding here. I will put the code I tried with the result that the dashboard showed in my blog together.
- Basic embed code
- Adjust iframe size
- Hide “Tableau Public” redundant part
- Seamless iframe
- Auto fit Tableau dashboard with iframe size
- Adjust iframe size for better view in mobile
[x] adjust iframe size
[x] hide Tableau software redundant part
[x] seamless
[x] auto-fit dashboard within iframe
[ ] Adjust iframe size for better view in mobile
1. Basic embed code:
Works fine on a regular whole page size website, but not suitable for my github page website.
<iframe src="https://public.tableau.com/views/GTSRB_Result_Viz/GTSRB?:embed=yes&:display_count=yes"></iframe>
2. Adjust iframe size:
<iframe src="https://public.tableau.com/views/GTSRB_Result_Viz/GTSRB?:embed=yes&:display_count=yes" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe>
3. Hide “Tableau Public” redundant part :
<iframe src="https://public.tableau.com/views/GTSRB_Result_Viz/GTSRB?:embed=yes&:display_count=yes&:showVizHome=no" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe>
4. Seamless iframe:
<iframe seamless frameborder="0" src="https://public.tableau.com/views/GTSRB_Result_Viz/GTSRB?:embed=yes&:display_count=yes&:showVizHome=no" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe>
5. Automatically adjust tableau dashboard to make it fit within the iframe
Share the same embed code as above, but a previous action required:
Enable to use auto scale, need to set dashboard size as auto in Tableau Desktop!
<iframe seamless frameborder="0" src="https://public.tableau.com/views/GTSRB_Result_Viz/GTSRB?:embed=yes&:display_count=yes&:showVizHome=no" width = '650' height = '450' scrolling='yes' ></iframe>
6. Adjust iframe size for moible view
- JS way (researching) You can’t run HTML/JS in markdown files, simply because markdown is not actually anything that understands how to run HTML/JS. The only reason your markdown files are rendering correctly is because Jekyll is parsing your markdown files and rendering them as HTML/JS behind the scenes.
- iframe way
possible but need to figure how to use css in markdown
Parameters for Embed Code