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San Wang

Direction is more important than speed

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Purpose of this article:
After spending a lot of time searching online on how to embed tableau dashboard into my blog, I figure it would save people who want to do the same thing as me some time if I post my finding here. I will put the code I tried with the result that the dashboard showed in my blog together.


  1. Basic embed code
  2. Adjust iframe size
  3. Hide “Tableau Public” redundant part
  4. Seamless iframe
  5. Auto fit Tableau dashboard with iframe size
  6. Adjust iframe size for better view in mobile

[x] adjust iframe size
[x] hide Tableau software redundant part
[x] seamless
[x] auto-fit dashboard within iframe
[ ] Adjust iframe size for better view in mobile

1. Basic embed code:

Works fine on a regular whole page size website, but not suitable for my github page website.

<iframe src=""></iframe>

2. Adjust iframe size:

<iframe src="" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe>

3. Hide “Tableau Public” redundant part :

<iframe src="" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe>

4. Seamless iframe:

<iframe seamless frameborder="0" src="" width = '650' height = '450'></iframe> 

5. Automatically adjust tableau dashboard to make it fit within the iframe

Share the same embed code as above, but a previous action required:
Enable to use auto scale, need to set dashboard size as auto in Tableau Desktop!

<iframe seamless frameborder="0" src="" width = '650' height = '450' scrolling='yes' ></iframe>    

6. Adjust iframe size for moible view


  • JS way (researching) You can’t run HTML/JS in markdown files, simply because markdown is not actually anything that understands how to run HTML/JS. The only reason your markdown files are rendering correctly is because Jekyll is parsing your markdown files and rendering them as HTML/JS behind the scenes.
  • iframe way
    possible but need to figure how to use css in markdown

Parameters for Embed Code